Nov 27, 2021
Celebrating 10 years as a band!
Today it's 10 years since our first concert as a band! It was an all accoustic concert at the legendary venue Sound of Mu in Oslo. We...

Feb 20, 2021
Live from KampenJazz in Oslo
We played a live streamed concert at the great Kampen Jazz in Oslo. Here is a little snippet with some of our new material.

Feb 1, 2019
Releasetour "Borte"!
We are doing a tour around Norway promoting our latest album! "Borte" was released 1st of February on the up and coming jazzlabel AMP...

Vegard Holum
Feb 1, 2019
Our second album out now!
Today we released our second album "Borte" on the up-and-coming Norwegian jazz-label AMP Records. While our first album "Heim" was...

Vegard Holum
Dec 12, 2018
Teaser from upcoming album
We are finished recording and mixing our latest album! Can be found in a digital stream near you next year. A small teaser below <3

Vegard Holum
Nov 20, 2017
Recording second album
Holum Trio will record their second album in January 2018 in Hallibakken Studios in Nesbyen. Our first album "Heim" was inspired by the...

Vegard Holum
Feb 8, 2016
Apriltour 2016
In april we're going abroad to spread our music, and finish off at Caféteateret in Oslo with 3 guests. Tourdates: 04.04: 5e - Copenhagen...

Vegard Holum
Feb 20, 2015
“… a beautiful album both people at home and abroad should pay attention to.” -Jan Granlie, Salt Peanuts Read more “ Vegard Holum is a...

Vegard Holum
Jan 30, 2015
Debutalbum out now!
Our debutalbum "Heim"(home) is now released on Karl Seglem´s label NORCD. The album was recorded during the summer of 2013 in the...